Engagement Details: 10x Exit Finder


1: Exit Canvas

We'll start our work together with our Exit Canvas.

This summary of your business helps us build a selling strategy.

We'll explore your offer, target customers, marketing & sales strategies, growth plans, your reasons for selling, consultant structure, revenue, intellectual property, and other key details.

Based on the canvas, we'll create at least three custom selling strategies for your firm.


2: First Invoice

After completing the Exit Canvas, we will send an invoice for the first third of the engagement fee.

If you're not fully satisfied with the strategies we've created to sell your firm, you can stop the project, pay nothing and the strategies we created in the Exit Canvas are yours to keep and use without the assistance of Nemawashi.


3: Create Buyer List 

Next, we'll compile a list of potential buyers and align their strategies with yours.

We'll begin with a targeted list of buyers. Using a software look-alike tool, we'll create a larger list. This way, we get the best of both worlds: a focused-targeted approach and a wider-reach strategy.


4: Second Invoice

Once we've compiled the prospect list and shared it with you, we'll send the invoice for payment #2. You own the list outright, regardless of whether you choose to continue with our services beyond this point.


5: Market the deal

Next, we reach out to potential buyers on your behalf and keep you updated every step of the way.

We send a ~5-page teaser to anyone who responds. This document summarizes your business but keeps confidential information private.

To learn more, buyers must identify themselves and sign an NDA.


6: Third Payment

The first NDA marks a key milestone. It signals the move from preparation to selling.

Once we get it that first NDA in hand, we'll send the final engagement invoice.


7: Send the CIM

After the NDA is signed, we'll send a confidential information memorandum or a financial package summarizing your company. We'll make this decision together, based on your specific situation.

At this stage, we aim to be fully transparent. We want to address any weaknesses head-on and proactively turn them into opportunities for improvement. By sharing all relevant information now, we avoid surprises later that could cost valuable time and complicate the process.

Our goal is to present your business honestly, highlighting its strengths while also showing how challenges can be turned into advantages.


8: Management Meetings

Next, we'll arrange a meeting between you, the acquirer, and your management team if they're involved at this stage. This gives you the opportunity to pitch your firm and lets the potential acquirer ask questions.

At this stage, we aim to be fully transparent. We want to address any weaknesses head-on and proactively turn them into opportunities for improvement. By sharing all relevant information now, we avoid surprises later that could cost valuable time and complicate the process.

Our goal is to present your business honestly, highlighting its strengths while also showing how challenges can be turned into advantages.


9: Negotiations

Next, our goal is to ignite a bidding war for your firm, and we take the lead in this effort on your behalf. We provide a letter of intent template to streamline the process of comparing offers on an apples-to-apples basis.

Until we sign the letter of intent and accept an offer, the negotiating power remains in our hands. Therefore, we strategically navigate this phase of the process to ensure favorable outcomes for your business.


10: Due Diligence 

At this stage, we'll begin due diligence, typically spanning a 30-to-60-day period, during which the acquirer will thoroughly examine every aspect of your firm. We take proactive measures to prepare for this phase, ensuring a smoother process when it arrives.


11: Closing 

Around midway through the due diligence process, we'll work intimately with your M&A attorney to draft purchase agreements and other essential contracts. Their role is pivotal in ensuring that all terms are legally sound and compliant with relevant laws and regulations.

A reputable M&A attorney offers invaluable guidance on tax implications, potential liabilities, and overall legal compliance. They oversee the closing process, ensuring that all necessary documents are properly executed and that the transaction progresses seamlessly.

Engagement Details: 10x Exits

Our unique process drives oversized outcomes. 

Our 10x Exit Finder engagement gives you the best possible chance at getting a really big exit.


Exit Canvas

We'll start our work together with our Exit Canvas.

This summary of your business helps us build a selling strategy.

We'll explore your offer, target customers, marketing & sales strategies, growth plans, your reasons for selling, consultant structure, revenue, intellectual property, and other key details.

Based on the canvas, we'll create at least three custom selling strategies for your firm.

Satisfaction guarantee: Only after the completion of our selling strategies, will we send you our first invoice. If you're not excited about the selling strategies, you can stop the engagement here and keep and use the strategies we created for you. 

"The exit canvas was a game changer for me. It taught me how my firm is perceived from an exit transaction perspective." Kristjan A.  


  • 1-3 weeks estimated
  • 1-3 weeks estimated
  • 1-3 weeks estimated
  • 1-3 weeks estimated

  • Canvas boards
  • Selling strategies 
  • Canvas artifacts
  • Canvas artifacts

Buyer List 

Next, we'll compile a list of potential buyers and align their strategies with yours.

We'll begin with a targeted list of buyers. Using a software look-alike tool, we'll create a larger list. This way, we get the best of both worlds: a focused-targeted approach and a wider-reach strategy.

Kristjan Aiaste

"The exit canvas was a game changer for me. It taught me how my firm is perceived from an exit transaction perspective." Kristjan A.  


  • 1-3 weeks estimated
  • 1-3 weeks estimated
  • 1-3 weeks estimated
  • 1-3 weeks estimated

  • Canvas boards
  • Selling strategies 
  • Canvas artifacts
  • Canvas artifacts

Market the deal

Next, we reach out to potential buyers on your behalf and keep you updated every step of the way.

We send a ~5-page teaser to anyone who responds. This document summarizes your business but keeps confidential information private.

To learn more, buyers must identify themselves and sign an NDA.


Send the CIM

After the NDA is signed, we'll send a confidential information memorandum or a financial package summarizing your company. We'll make this decision together, based on your specific situation.

At this stage, we aim to be fully transparent. We want to address any weaknesses head-on and proactively turn them into opportunities for improvement. By sharing all relevant information now, we avoid surprises later that could cost valuable time and complicate the process.

Our goal is to present your business honestly, highlighting its strengths while also showing how challenges can be turned into advantages.


Management Meetings

Next, we'll arrange a meeting between you, the acquirer, and your management team if they're involved at this stage. This gives you the opportunity to pitch your firm and lets the potential acquirer ask questions.

At this stage, we aim to be fully transparent. We want to address any weaknesses head-on and proactively turn them into opportunities for improvement. By sharing all relevant information now, we avoid surprises later that could cost valuable time and complicate the process.

Our goal is to present your business honestly, highlighting its strengths while also showing how challenges can be turned into advantages.



Next, our goal is to ignite a bidding war for your firm, and we take the lead in this effort on your behalf. We provide a letter of intent template to streamline the process of comparing offers on an apples-to-apples basis.

Until we sign the letter of intent and accept an offer, the negotiating power remains in our hands. Therefore, we strategically navigate this phase of the process to ensure favorable outcomes for your business.


Due Diligence 

At this stage, we'll begin due diligence, typically spanning a 30-to-60-day period, during which the acquirer will thoroughly examine every aspect of your firm. We take proactive measures to prepare for this phase, ensuring a smoother process when it arrives.



Around midway through the due diligence process, we'll work intimately with your M&A attorney to draft purchase agreements and other essential contracts. Their role is pivotal in ensuring that all terms are legally sound and compliant with relevant laws and regulations.

A reputable M&A attorney offers invaluable guidance on tax implications, potential liabilities, and overall legal compliance. They oversee the closing process, ensuring that all necessary documents are properly executed and that the transaction progresses seamlessly.
